If you’ve been fol­low­ing my social media posts, you’ll already be aware of the third title I’ve start­ed work­ing on, if not allow me to announce it now — ‘Super 23 Racing’!

Super 23 Racing

Super 23 Rac­ing is a top down rac­ing game, where play­ers com­pete to earn points, mon­ey and unlock more tracks and cars. Points earn mon­ey, more points = more mon­ey, mon­ey is used to repair the play­er’s car and pur­chase weapons.

There are 4 cups to com­pete in, 3 include 5 tracks and the last cup includes 8 tracks (more to be added after launch). In between some tracks the play­er is tak­en to cer­tain depart­ments who will ask them ques­tions, depend­ing on the answers to these ques­tions the play­er will receive extra money.

Split-screen mul­ti-play­er for 2 to 4 peo­ple is also planned, more info on this at a lat­er date.

Super 23 Rac­ing is being devel­oped for PC, with a planned Steam release.

Here’s some pre-alpha, real­ly ear­ly footage to whet your appetite.

To keep up with updates on Super 23 Rac­ing, like/ follow/ sub­scribe to the fol­low­ing social net­work­ing websites:

Twit­ter: https://twitter.com/en9g131/
Face­book: https://www.facebook.com/en9g131/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwDaTW-3Wz-2KTcWKsvQ01g/