If you’ve been following my social media posts, you’ll already be aware of the third title I’ve started working on, if not allow me to announce it now — ‘Super 23 Racing’!
Super 23 Racing is a top down racing game, where players compete to earn points, money and unlock more tracks and cars. Points earn money, more points = more money, money is used to repair the player’s car and purchase weapons.
There are 4 cups to compete in, 3 include 5 tracks and the last cup includes 8 tracks (more to be added after launch). In between some tracks the player is taken to certain departments who will ask them questions, depending on the answers to these questions the player will receive extra money.
Split-screen multi-player for 2 to 4 people is also planned, more info on this at a later date.
Super 23 Racing is being developed for PC, with a planned Steam release.
Here’s some pre-alpha, really early footage to whet your appetite.
To keep up with updates on Super 23 Racing, like/ follow/ subscribe to the following social networking websites:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/en9g131/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/en9g131/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwDaTW-3Wz-2KTcWKsvQ01g/