I’ve recent­ly start­ed work on a new port­fo­lio piece, which I want­ed to show off, the project will have a small hub world which will lead off to four games.


A rotat­ing cube which allows the play­er to run around on five of the cubes faces. The start­ing face, the top of the cube, will serve as a kick­ing off point telling the play­er their goal and where to go. They can then run around, destroy a few things, explore the oth­er sides. As they walk between the faces the cube will rotate, giv­ing the new face the focus and chang­ing the grav­i­ty. Each of the remain­ing four faces will have a por­tal tak­ing the play­er to a game.

Planned Games

These small scale games will be dif­fer­ent in play style, but be easy to pick up; under­stand; and fin­ish. A quick syn­op­sis of the games:
1- Puz­zler, using Shh, Zom­bies as a base to do a small puz­zle game.
2- Infi­nite runner
3- Space Invaders
4- Still decid­ing … maybe a small scale tow­er defence game

The art assets for this have been pur­chased, the point is to demon­strate my abil­i­ty to code the game mechan­ics required for these types of games, and have them pre­sent­ed with excel­lent quality.

Devel­op­ment has start­ed with the Space Invaders game, and a WIP screen­shot can be seen below.

Space Invaders Preview

I like to cap­ture and show humor­ous look­ing bugs that crop up dur­ing devel­op­ment, here’s a few that have hap­pened so far (and been fixed): https://gyazo.com/collections/15b47f4a4028c86c22c6fc4b962d183b

[Update 09/07/16: 

Start­ed design­ing the hub world, here’s the top of it and one of the sides … the side which will take you to the space invaders ]

