Arcade Vehi­cle Con­troller (AVC) is a sim­ple vehi­cle con­troller asset allow­ing you to cre­ate any type of vehi­cle – car,
hov­er car, motor­bike, boat. The cus­tomiz­able arcade‑y feel to the vehi­cles gives a fun, sat­is­fy­ing, play­er expe­ri­ence
to your vehi­cles. Also includ­ed, are exam­ples of how to inter­act with the vehi­cle con­troller for play­er input and AI

Includ­ed is a Vehi­cle Builder edi­tor win­dow, which allows you to set­up a new vehi­cle in sec­onds! Just link the
required objects and fill in the details, press a but­ton and you’ve got your new vehicle!

The val­ues for a vehi­cle (speed, turn­ing, drift­ing, etc.) are saved in a Script­ableOb­ject, mean­ing you can re-use
the same val­ues for hun­dreds of dif­fer­ent vehi­cles, and only have to tweak them in 1 place.