
Super 23 Mobile Rac­ing is a mobile top down rac­ing game, with 3 game modes (Time Tri­al, Arcade and Cham­pi­onship), 14 vehi­cles and 9 tracks. The tracks in Time Tri­al and Arcade require unlock­ing before being able to race them, the play­er unlocks a track by watch­ing a reward ad. Once a track has been unlocked it can be played as many times as the play­er wish­es, this means after all tracks have been unlocked there are no more ads present in the game. All 3 cham­pi­onships are avail­able straight away.

Time Tri­al — race around a track as fast as pos­si­ble, the play­er has 3 laps to get their fastest lap — which is then shared on the leaderboards.

Arcade — race against 7 AI vehi­cles to learn the tracks and have an extra challenge.

Cham­pi­onship — com­pete against 7 AI vehi­cles, across 3 tracks to be crowned the win­ner of the championship.

For more infor­ma­tion regard­ing Super 23 Rac­ing Mobile, please vis­it the ded­i­cat­ed web­site Enig­ma 23 Games — Super 23 Rac­ing Mobile


After suc­cess­ful­ly com­plet­ing Match 3 Clas­sic in about 2 weeks, I chal­lenged myself to do anoth­er game in a short time frame, over the Christ­mas 2018 hol­i­day peri­od. Using a rac­ing game tem­plate I want­ed to get this done quick­ly as a small project, unfor­tu­nate­ly, due to a rather poor game tem­plate and over ambi­tious scope for the time peri­od, it end­ed up not being released until August 2019.

As it turned out, the game tem­plate was far too inter­con­nect­ed with­in itself, make it dif­fi­cult to cus­tomise beyond a reskin — the UI done in a poor way — the devs cre­at­ed it in a way mean­ing only the images should be swapped out, which required big changes to allow for an improved look and feel. The UI and code relies on text search­es, which lead to me (unknow­ing­ly) break­ing func­tion­al­i­ty and then wast­ing time on hunt­ing down the cause of the break. The code is also a mess, some class­es being approx 1,000 lines of code, using repeat­ed code… string searches… 

On the bright side, the expe­ri­ence of mak­ing this game has vast­ly improved my trou­ble shoot­ing skills, and giv­en me insight in how not to do things and what bad code looks like — I shall endeav­our to make my code clean, read­able, mod­u­lar and easy to extend.

S23R Mobile is using the new Light Weight Ren­der Pipeline (LRPW), which is new to me and was inter­est­ing to learn the basics of with this project. I also learnt the basics of light bak­ing, how to set­up a scene for a light bake and how to get good results. The two of these com­bined, along with post pro­cess­ing, has result­ed in a good look­ing mobile game.


Uni­ty Assets

Sim­ple Rac­er — Car­toon Assets — The in game art used for this game was a pack from Syn­ty Stu­dios, I love their work and am pleased to have made a good look­ing game with this pack.

Poly­gon Nature Pack — Anoth­er Syn­ty pack, this was used to for a few envi­ron­ment assets to flesh out the set dressing.

Easy Achieve­ments and Leader­boards — After using this for Match 3 Clas­sic and find it easy to use, it’s now my go to plu­g­in for Achieve­ments and Leaderboards.