Out­rager is a pro­to­type com­mis­sioned by thumb­food. Out­rager is a pick-up-and-play, arcade action into-the-screen shoot­er in a clas­sic 80’s style,  set in a ‘pix­e­lat­ed’ game world. 

I was com­mis­sioned by thumb­food, for a two month peri­od, to work with them to devel­op a pro­to­type of Out­rager. Using 3D assets from the Uni­ty asset store, I was tasked with devel­op­ing the game mechan­ics and cre­at­ing a ver­ti­cal slice. The pro­to­type has been used to pitch for fund­ing from gov­ern­ment sup­port­ed fund­ing organ­i­sa­tions and publishers.

The main game mechan­ics devel­oped for this pro­to­type were:
Play­er con­trol — mak­ing the car move into the screen, and be able to change lanes, with the option to fire at on com­ing ene­mies. It was very impor­tant to thumb­food that the game work with both the Xbox One and Playsta­tion 4 con­trollers, in addi­tion to the key­board con­trols, this was achieved by using the InCon­trol plugin.

Ene­my AI - devel­op ene­mies that would detect, chase and shoot at the player.

Health — devel­op a sim­ple health sys­tem, allow­ing any object to have health and be destroyed when the health runs out.

Scoring/ Timer — the pro­to­type required a race timer, as well as a sim­ple scor­ing sys­tem which rewards the play­er upon dam­ag­ing and killing the ene­mies, along with some objects.

Vox­els — a major part of the design for the game is the aes­thet­ic, the use of vox­els to cre­ate a cubed world and have lots of cool cubed explo­sions. All the vehi­cles in the pro­to­type are cre­at­ed by vox­els, and when shot deform leav­ing a hole where the rock­et hit. Any death explo­sion cre­ates a cloud of vox­els allow­ing the play­er to pass through the “smoke” of their ene­mies, the explo­sions were cre­at­ed using Uni­ty’s built in par­ti­cle system.

Mul­ti­plat­form — Out­rager is planned as a con­sole game, how­ev­er this pro­to­type was built for PC/ Mac (with con­troller sup­port). An iOS build was also devel­oped as a fea­si­bil­i­ty test.

Below are some screen­shots from the prototype.