Shortly before Christmas I made great advances with development — after not being able to work on S23R for nearly a year — getting ever closer to a feature complete vertical slice. Check out the video below of a full race, now with some sexy explosions and AI that fires.
What is included in this update?
- Fixed car shadows, so there are no longer gaps
— Added all character scriptable objects
— Added all car scriptable objects
— Update cars with varying speeds and bonuses
— Added character select screen
— Edited ring track, kept it simple but made it less boring
— Created temp prefab for items needed to launch a race without going to the main menu
— Started creating car list prefab, so the spawn order can be manipulated
— Added character select
— Added car select, which now also gives the player the correct car in game
— Updated all car prefabs with weapon slots
— Updated car prefabs with names and ids
— Updated spawn controller to use list of car prefabs, cars are no longer required in the scene
— explosions added for rockets
— explosions added for cars
— Improved player respawning, by adding a path of nodes. Player will now spawn on the last waypoint they passed.
— Added PlayerPath (for spawning, and future weapons) to both tracks
— Improved the look of water
— AI cars now fire backwards too
— Stopped rockets being able to go through some meshes
— updated to Unity 5.5
— other stuff
I like to record and share visually interesting bugs that occur during development, this particular bug happened when I accidentally stopped the AI car waypoints from updating.