On Feb­ru­ary 25th 2015 I released an update to ‘Shh, Zom­bies’ on the Win­dows Store (desk­top), this update added a tri­al ver­sion allow­ing peo­ple who down­loaded to play the first 5 day time lev­els before hav­ing to pur­chase the game.

Pre-Trial Figures

In the months from ini­tial release (July 22nd 2014) the Win­dows Store stats for Shh, Zom­bies were:

  • Approx­i­mate­ly 900 page views
  • 21 down­loads
  • 4 pur­chas­es


On the 25th Feb­ru­ary an aver­age month for Shh, Zom­bies looked a bit like the above image, though in that image the 1 download/ pur­chase was me down­load­ing the tri­al to test it worked properly.

Post-Trial Figures

By the 25th March, the stats have changed to look like the below image:


As you can see, the page views has more than dou­bled, and down­loads have increased dra­mat­i­cal­ly, how­ev­er, still no pur­chas­es with­in this time. The views by refer­rer has also changed to be more even­ly spread, though I’m not sure why as I did­n’t do any­thing (con­scious­ly) to spread the word about Shh, Zombies.

As of today, while I write this blog, the stats (for the past 12 months) cur­rent­ly sit at:

  • 1,321 page views
  • 56 down­loads
  • 6 pur­chas­es

Windows Store Trial Summary

By adding the tri­al ver­sion I’ve increased the down­loads quite dra­mat­i­cal­ly in a short peri­od of time, going from 21 down­loads up to 56 (an extra 35 down­loads in 1 month). How­ev­er, I only got 1 addi­tion­al pur­chase, this leads me to believe that Shh, Zom­bies requires more work and pol­ish to be wor­thy enough to part peo­ple with their mon­ey. While I am proud of Shh, Zom­bies, for a first game, it’s clear the first 5 lev­els peo­ple get to tri­al are not enough to entice them into pur­chas­ing the full game.

3 Months down­loads (25th Jan — 25th March)
150325-WinStoreDownloads3Months1 Months down­loads (25th Feb — 25th March)
