Hap­py New Year everyone!

Since com­ing back from the Christ­mas break, I’ve been re-mak­ing the in-game assets to fit in the grid cor­rect­ly. Mak­ing sure that every­thing is (at min­i­mum) 1x1 grid, and scales up by at least 1 grid — so there are no places where, for exam­ple, the pave­ment takes up 1.5 grids. Doing this scal­ing makes it a lot eas­i­er to put lev­els togeth­er, and makes it so there is no need to wor­ry about hit box­es need­ing to be resized.

A new fea­ture into this build, is the hard dif­fi­cul­ty (night lev­els). Each of the pre­vi­ous 5 lev­els you’ve played already, now have a night mode, where there are more ene­mies, the solu­tion is dif­fer­ent, hard­er and (hope­ful­ly) chal­leng­ing! Although, keep in mind these 5 lev­els are being built to serve as tuto­r­i­al levels.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the light­ing in the web­play­er build isn’t great. It looks much bet­ter in the desk­top build.

I’ve also changed the UI a bit, to the lay­out which is clos­er to how the final look will be. Many peo­ple were miss­ing the ‘Restart’ but­ton in the top left, in its tem­po­rary home, hope­ful­ly this new lay­out is clear­er. The whole UI will be replaced with NGUI at some point.

Patch’ Notes:
— Lev­els have all been remade (every­thing fits in the grid now)
UI has been moved around a bit
— Night lev­els added (although they look poor in the webplayer)
— Game­An­a­lyt­ics added (track­ing very basic things)

So, this week­end was spent re-build­ing the lev­els, I’d great­ly appre­ci­ate any feed­back of your expe­ri­ence, and here’s the build for your enjoyment.

Play Shh,Zombies Pro­to­type 5

Unity level building