This week sees an update released for Minecart Run­ner, this update removes Every­play — unfor­tu­nate­ly the ser­vice has stopped run­ning and need­ed remov­ing from the app. The update also fix­es the occa­sion­al impos­si­ble jump, mean­ing you should­n’t fail a run because of the game. And last­ly, more runs of dia­monds unlock crys­tals. Crys­tals are worth more points, so give the oppor­tu­ni­ty to get a high­er score.

Thanks every­one who has down­loaded it so far, I hope you’re enjoy­ing it! Share with your friends and com­pete to get the high­est dis­tance with each oth­er! (also give it a rat­ing if you are so inclined :D)


Nor­mal Dis­tance — The cur­rent record hold­er, out of over 1,630 play­ers on iOS with a whop­ping 47,393 meters! Well done Wilco!

Nor­mal Col­lec­tables Score — Tr0janH0rse is the cur­rent record hold­er on this iOS leader­board, with a score of 23,730 points!

Krazy Dis­tance — This mode is more chal­leng­ing, and out of near­ly 680 play­ers <*Clink*> is lead­ing the pack with a dis­tance of 6,363 metres. Sec­ond place is close behind on 6,041 metres.

Krazy Col­lec­tables Score — This mode is hard­er to gain col­lec­table points, the top three are: #1 ahnaf with 190 points, #2 mariel_alexandra with 170 points and #3 goes to Steveminecraft0608 on 150 points.


Download link

Cur­rent­ly v1.20 is only avail­able on iOS, with Android com­ing soon.

  • iOS (mobile and tablet) — link