This week I decid­ed to take Ama­zon up on their offer of sub­mit­ting Minecart Run­ner to their new Under­ground project, but first this would require changing/ updat­ing a few things in the cur­rent project.

The last update (1.07) was done with Uni­ty 5.0.1, so I need­ed (/ want­ed) to update to 5.2. This would also require updat­ing UnityAds and Unity­An­a­lyt­ics, as their dash­boards require things to be imple­ment­ed a lit­tle dif­fer­ent­ly in Uni­ty 5.1 and then dif­fer­ent­ly again in 5.2, due to this I’ve tak­en the oppor­tu­ni­ty to update the iOS and Android ver­sions (iOS is under review, with a 7 day wait, and Android is now live).

It’s going to be a big­ger task than I orig­i­nal­ly thought, Google Play Game Ser­vices needs remov­ing, and the instruc­tions for imple­ment­ing Game­Cir­cle aren’t all that clear to me — I’m get­ting an error with their AndroidManifest.xml that is prov­ing dif­fi­cult to fix today.

AndroidManifest.xml:20: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at <span style="color: navy;">'theme'</span> with value <span style="color: navy;">'@style/GCOverlay'</span>).
AndroidManifest.xml:22: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at <span style="color: navy;">'theme'</span> with value <span style="color: navy;">'@style/GCAlert'</span>).

Not sure why these errors are appear­ing, as the only change made was to add the pack­age name in the cor­rect place. The only help I’ve come across, so far, is send­ing peo­ple back to the page I’ve used to set­up Game­Cir­cle … which isn’t use­ful in solv­ing this issue.

The search continues …